Corporate Support

Supporting the transgender community and educating the public and policy makers is a cornerstone of the GRACE mission. A key component of advocacy is the voice of the business community, so engaging the corporate community and providing education, insights, and a means of advocating for the community through GRACE is important for the transgender community.

So often corporations rely on their own transgender colleagues to advocate for their community needs. While well intended, these colleagues are oftentimes doing all they can to focus on their individual daily work and surviving the current climate, without the time, energy, or expertise to educate advise corporate stakeholders on the issues and policies affecting the community. GRACE can provide that support, from the C-Suite to colleague education.​

Your support of GRACE enables your colleagues to focus on what they do best, performing their daily duties, while GRACE takes on the challenge of changing the public and policy narrative as well as advising, educating, and consulting with your corporation on transgender issues. 

To learn more, please respond below with your information and a GRACE member will reach out to discuss corporate sponsorship levels with you, along with details for how GRACE can be an instrumental partner in helping your company navigate the complexities of transgender issues.

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